As we welcome new PCA parents, we welcome them with encouraging words and a nice cup of coffee on the side. The smell of coffee creates a sense of aroma and comfort for a lot of people because it reminds them of the feeling of home, evoking feelings of relaxation. MS Parent Coffee creates an opportunity for parents to meet other parents and find a way to connect and make new friends for their kids or even themselves! Talking about the positive experiences of how PCA has been for their kids is one of the many experiences that everyone loves to hear and gives feedback on what PCA should continue doing for the kids.
Mrs. Graham, the parent coordinator of Parent Coffee says, “The best part of the MS New Parent Coffee is getting the chance to sit down with new families and hear about their experiences so far as they joined the PCA family!”
PCA strives for a welcoming environment as much as possible and sometimes the parents can share their feedback on what they think PCA should do more. PCA is one of the schools that exemplifies Christ-like qualities that are brought onto the kids in our community, and the staff continues to share the love of Christ through themselves every day. Hearing the families talk about their kids and the impact PCA has had on them influences the way PCA can flourish every day.