Prestonwood Christian Academy Online is arguably one of the best programs Prestonwood offers. It allows me to move at my own pace through upper school while still getting the same level of education. Sophomore year I switched to PCA Online, and immediately started knocking credits out. In December of my junior year during a meeting with the counselors, it was brought to my attention that I could walk the stage come May and join the other online students graduating early. It required hard work to finish up a year early, but none of the students would change their decision.
Senior Chrissy Chabot said, “I am excited to be able to start college in the fall and further my education.”
Because none of the students knew that we would be graduating early, getting into college has been very difficult. Senior Meredith Rackley said, “I missed the deadlines for applications because I didn’t know I would be graduating, but through the help of the guidance counselors I have been able to make a plan for post graduation.”
Between this being our first year taking AP classes, senior finals, regular finals, and bits and pieces of capstone, the early graduates are swamped with heavy workloads.
Personally, I have been able to manage my time by setting a schedule with set times to work for each class and making sure to take breaks throughout the day. I would recommend graduating early to anyone who isn’t afraid of hard work and has goals they wish to achieve.
The road is not easy, but it is very rewarding. Almost to graduation.