Golf is a popular sport during the springtime here at Prestonwood Christian Academy. Though golf isn’t the most popular sport here at PCA we still show a lot of passion and excitement for it. During the springtime golf is a great sport for the spring and especially with the great weather coming up. Golf is a very flexible and unique sport due to its mechanics and its diversity in players and skills. This sport allows those of all ages and gender to play even for fun or in a competitive standing. Many students here are involved in golf and are helping build a good team.
“I enjoy playing Golf in this weather and during the spring time because it makes the game even better.” said Junior Luke Sheedy.
This sport comes with a lot of practice and repetition and takes time to get consistently good to perform well in tournaments. The golf team staff goes into depth into forming a well rounded golf player by many practices and tournaments. When evolving in your game you will play in competitive tournaments and play against others who practiced just as much as you. This makes the game more enjoyable for players to have to give it their all on the grass.
“Going to play in tournaments against other good players allows me to show off my skills against other good players and it makes the game more fun for me.” said Junior Christian Askil.
Prestonwood Christian Academy is going on to grow a wonderful golf organization to help individual players and bring home trophies for the school. Being able to experience this is an honor here at PCA and is what it is all about. Golf proves to be on the difficult side of sports and can sometimes be a challenge.
“I would love to win a tournament for PCA and bring some honor to the golf organization.” said Junior Jared Platt.