What is one piece of advice you would give about the Capstone process?
Matthew Mitchell- “If you need help, the teachers are always available to revise and check over your capstone.”
Cade Gillespie- “My best advice for capstone is finish it early. This allows time to have a teacher proof it and make corrections before the due date.”
Riley Waddell- “One piece of advice I would give about the capstone process is to pick a book you truly have an interest in. I decided to pick a book that was not on the list but one my grandfather had recommended to me about war. My grandfather is a veteran that served in the Vietnam and Korean War. This book helped me to gain a greater understanding and appreciation for those serving at home and overseas to protect our freedom.”
Wyatt Scherer- “Do not wait until the last minute. I had a crazy situation with minimester traveling that I had to kind of rush through my English capstone. You will feel so much better about it if you just spread out the workload and give yourself a chance to read through it.”
How do you effectively prepare for tests and quizzes?
Matthew Mitchell- “Review the material over a longer period of time in small increments.”
Cade Gillespie- “The best way for me to prepare for quizzes and tests is making a quizlet. I also like to go to the teacher’s classroom for tutoring.”
Riley Waddell- “If the subject I have a test or quiz in requires a lot of preparation, I start a few days in advance. This allows for me to go in and ask the teacher any clarification questions. Time management is key in every area of high school. The faster someone understands this concept the more successful they will be in life.”
Wyatt Scherer- “Preparation for tests and quizzes all stem from your time in class. If you are diligent in class, listening and taking notes, you will find that studying is not as stressful. With that being said, I go back on the idea of not waiting until the last minute. You will be way less stressed and remember much more if you just give yourself the proper time to learn.”
What is one piece of advice you would give about the college application process?
Matthew Mitchell- “Apply early!”
Cade Gillespie- “Good grades matter, prepare for the SAT/ACT, and start building your resume early. Also get to know your teachers so you can ask them to write you a letter of recommendation. Start applying early and apply to several different colleges.”
Riley Waddell- “Everyone’s college application experience is like an individual fingerprint. No two are the same, and there is no one way things have to be done. When you step on the college campus God calls you to, you will know immediately this is where you need to be. Every school can offer academic rigor and an amazing athletics program, but not every school can offer a godly community. The people are what truly allow you to call a new place home. Celebrate your friends’ acceptances and allow yourself to get excited when you open up your acceptance letter; you have worked your whole high school career for this moment. The most important thing to remember is college acceptances and grades do not define you and never will. Remember you were placed upon this earth to serve God first, that looks different for everyone so never play the comparison game with how He will use you versus someone else.”
Wyatt Scherer- “The college application process is not bad if you stay on top of everything. Camp college was a major help and I recommend that every student do it. Make sure you read your emails so you can know that you have completed all that is needed for said college. If you ever need help with anything, do not hesitate to go to guidance, they are a great help.”
What is one thing you wish you knew going into Senior year?
Matthew Mitchell- “I wish I realized how fast this year would go and I wish I had gone to more events.”
Cade Gillespie- “One thing I wish I knew before Senior year is to make the most of and enjoy the time you have in high school.”
Riley Waddell- “Everyone tells you that you will blink and the next thing you know is you are walking across the stage, and this could not be more true. Throughout the year I tried to keep a mentality of never letting my senior year become a to do list. It can be very overwhelming and at some moments you want all the extra things to be over with but soak up those moments with your friends, plan multiple family dinners, and thank God for the blessing of being able to be a senior. I wish I had known how different life would be once I became a senior. Looking back at the fall to now getting closer to senior run, life has changed drastically. I can look back and see how many prayers have been answered over this past year; prayers I have been praying for over fifteen years. This year has reminded me to dream God sized dreams and never allow your circumstances to limit what God can do in a year.”
Wyatt Scherer- “One thing I wish I knew going into Senior year is just how fast it flies by. I cannot believe I’m already in the last quarter of my high school career. Do not take high school for granted. I have made friends and memories to last a lifetime here.”