The jump to the next grade can be very different, especially from middle school to high school. These are some students that tell of their different experiences this year compared to their previous year.
6th Grade:
Emily Glenn: “Last year they walked us to dismissal, but this year we’re just allowed to go. Last year the teachers would not let us have freedom before 8:00 am and this year they really don’t care where we go before 8:00 am.
Carter Griffin: “We do more partner projects this year and have more freedom to do more things overall compared to fifth grade.”
7th Grade:
Kate Marie McLeod: “As a seventh grader I am able to play sports.”
Pate Johnson: “I think one of the biggest differences is that we have to do more explaining and defining. I swam in the winter and had a great time doing good. Now I’m playing tennis and hope to have a good time.”
8th Grade:
Madison Lewis: “I now do Science Olympiad, Speech and Debate, Softball, and the Spring Musical. There are a lot more travel opportunities in eighth grade compared to seventh grade.
Caleb Rose: “One difference between seventh and eighth grade is that we have a lot more quizzes and tests in eighth grade compared to seventh grade.”
9th Grade:
Clara Willhite: “Probably the extra freedom, with being able to use your phone and with study hall, it’s a lot different than 8th grade”
Caden Cantrell: “Adjusting to the new schedule is hard, but with the longer classes it’s a lot different but more enjoyable
10th Grade:
Seth Odom: “Sophomore year is a lot harder and a lot more work and responsibilities. You just have to trust God through it being that this is my second year here at PCA.”
11th Grade:
Jax McCrary: “The freedom and options on how to approach some classes is what’s the most important”
Emma Loschen: “Junior year is different because you’re also thinking about college, test prep, and being prepared for your senior year, but Sophomore year is a lot more laid back.
12th Grade:
Luke Mayhew:
“Biggest difference is the freedom you have, with late arrival and early release, you get more school spirit, and you should do things you haven’t done yet, play a sport, do a play, stuff like that. Also if you’re a senior get early release, it’s worth it.”
Jannan Jeihani: “Between junior and senior year the difference is really the new found sense that my time in high school is running out, which encourages me to appreciate every last moment of it with my family and friends.”