Every year, lower school students and teachers are very excited about the 100th day of school as it is different from other days of school. It means that the year is slowly coming to an end and that summer will begin soon. It also can be a sad day for those who love school and will miss it in the summer, but mostly this day is filled with happiness across the different grades.
To celebrate, Lower School Students in PK-4, PK-5, kindergarten, and first grade dress up like they are 100 years old. They wear glasses, fake wrinkles, and gray hair. Some even bring canes or walkers to go with their outfits. It’s a fun day because it makes students feel “old” because of all the days that have passed in the school year. Dr. Katie Chretien, Lower School Principal said, “I look the most forward to seeing the kids dressed up like old people and the wonderful conversations I get to have with first graders as they describe the process they used to count out 100 things to use to decorate their shirts. Their excitement around the event reinforces their love for learning because it is tied to an activity they enjoy doing!”
Lower School Students can look back on the memories from this day and think about how they had fun and got through another year of school. It can also bring back memories of the joy of Lower School. This day is a day of celebration that spreads across multiple grade levels. Many students in middle school and high school even remember this day as a fun way to commemorate 100 days of school. Senior Ella Moore said, “I remember being in Lower School waiting until I could wear the senior shirts because I thought they were so cool.” Not only is the 100th day of school for lower school students, but it is also for middle and high school students to remember their lower school memories and get ready to finish the school year and for seniors to graduate.
This day brings happiness and joy to the Lower School students and is a fun tradition that will live on for years to come, maybe even 100 years!