Age you started this sport?
4 years old.
How many hours a week do you practice?
15 hours per week.
What position do you play, and why?
Catcher, because I really enjoy the pressure.
Name one thing you are working to improve right now?
Framing pitches.
Pre-game ritual?
I wear the same clothes on game day and after the game.
Nicknames your teammates call you?
How would your teammates describe you?
Hardworking and a leader.
Who is your role model, and why?
Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina, because I grew up watching him, and he inspires me.
What gives you an edge?
Studying the other team before I play.
What is the hardest thing about baseball?
Being mentally prepared.
Name a hobby you enjoy outside sports?
Mountain biking.
Name something that stresses you out, and why?
Capstone, because it was a lot of work.
Name something you’re a pro at?
Getting things done.
Name a recent accomplishment you are proud of, and why?
Committing to college baseball at Richland College, because I’ll get to play the game I love.
Before I die, I want to ________, and why?
Go to Switzerland to see the beautiful nature there.
Name one thing about yourself that most people don’t know?
I know how to drive stick shift.