Age you started in this sport?
Five years old.
How many hours a week do you practice?
15 hours per week.
What position do you play, and why?
Point guard, because Kyrie Irving, my favorite NBA player, is a point guard.
Name one thing you are working to improve right now?
Midrange shooting.
Pre-game ritual?
Listening to music.
Nickname your teammates call you?
How would your teammates describe you?
Loud, outgoing and intense sometimes.
Who is your role model, and why?
My sister, Sydney, because she’s a great person and is loyal to me.
What gives you an edge?
When people say I can’t do something.
What’s the hardest thing about basketball?
Getting in shape.
Name a hobby you enjoy outside sports?
Watching Netflix.
Name something that stresses you out, and why?
School, because it’s so much work.
Name something you are a pro at?
Uncharted on PlayStation 4.
Name a recent accomplishment you are proud of?
Having good grades last semester, because PCA is hard.
Before I die, I want to ___________, and why?
Meet Trey Songz, because I love his music.
Name one thing about yourself that most people don’t know?
I like to draw.