Seniors welcome the Juniors as they arrive at Retreat. Juniors Cynamin Panton and Karen Sculley rush through the tunnel on the way to their cabins.
Step off the bus, and you’re instantly welcomed with shouts of celebration. You make your way through the human tunnel, grab your luggage and head to the cabin. Once there, you quickly drop your bags, choose a bunk and head to dinner. Walk out of dinner and you find all of the Seniors waving flags and screaming at the top of their lungs. You take in the strange, yet exciting, scene. It’s only natural to be in awe of their eagerness and enthusiasm. Senior Welcome only happens once a year, and it’s just the first sign that you’re in the middle of something special.
The Upper School Retreat at Sky Ranch in Van, TX, marked the beginning of the school year and set the stage for all that is to come. Students, staff and administration boarded busses right after the final bell on the first day of school. The Seniors left the day before in order to spend time unifying their class and planning for their role as leaders of the student body.

Seniors Jordi Gile and Taylor Lunsford cheer for the Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors as they arrive at Sky Ranch. The Seniors left a day earlier in order to plan and enjoy time together with just their class.
Senior David Smith said, “I feel as though Sky Ranch brought us together just by the Senior class being alone on the first day. It made us all realize that we truly have one last year here to make it count, and we should take advantage of every opportunity together as a class.”
Leaving right at the end of the first day of school wasn’t easy to orchestrate. But the results made it worth the effort. Time together at Sky Ranch built community within the Upper School, set expectations for the school year, delivered a strong message from God’s Word and carved out time to simply worship the Savior.
The Ministry Team, who planned the Retreat, encouraged students to mix and get to know one another by organizing family groups that included a mixture of students from all grades. The groups got to know each other through Ultimate Ninja and other icebreakers and spent time in the rec center together.
Freshman Kate Follett said, “I really enjoyed getting to meet all the new students. It was also really nice to get to meet upperclassmen before our first official day together. It definitely lessened my nerves.”

DJ Redeemed connected with students through his rap performance, even bringing some of them up on stage during his concert.
DJ Redeemed helped kick things off with his Christian-themed rap and stage show. “The DJ Redeemed concert was so amazing. He reminded me of how great my experience at Prestonwood has been, and how excited I am to finish out my high school career alongside such great peers,” said Senior Jacob Florsheim.
Time was set aside to get the head and heart right. Led by Dr. Rob Wilton, Pastor at the Vintage Church in New Orleans, with worship by the J. Wood Band, the retreat focused on finding freedom within God’s boundaries and drew students to Ephesians 6:10-20, the passage describing the armor of God.

Pastor Rob Wilton encouraged anyone who felt called to come pray on their knees at the end of his message.
Pastor Wilton said, “If you’re on Team Jesus, a battle’s coming. Some of you this year are going to lose because you’re going to try to fight it on your own. That’s why you must pick up ALL the armor, pick it up BEFORE the battle, take it up and stand FIRM, and keep ALERT.”
Junior Sarah Verheul said, “My favorite part of the entire retreat was probably our group sessions. I felt as though both the worship and speaker really pulled chords in my heart and allowed me to come to the realization of my convictions. In doing so, I am able to go into Junior year with a clean heart and mind set on Jesus.”
Seniors left for their Senior trip on the second day, but before going they circled around the outside of the room, holding hands and praying over the underclassmen and faculty for the upcoming school year.

“Circling up to pray over everyone was a great way to start the year. It was awesome to serve them in that way,” said Senior Sydney Johnson.
Upper School Principal Wendy Morris said, “This year’s retreat was one of the best. I feel like the Seniors did a really great job of leading, and the family groups were an absolute hit this year.”