How many hours a week do you practice?
Around 10 hours a week.
Name one thing you are working to improve right now?
I want to throw faster.
Pre-game ritual
I drink as many energy drinks as possible.
How would your teammates describe you?
I have a good work ethic.
Who is your role model, and why?
Wolfgang Braasch, because he throws hard and has a strong work ethic.
What is the hardest thing about your sport
Managing my time with baseball and school work
Name something that stresses you out?
Whenever I am tired before a game I get stressed that I won’t be able to focus.
Name a recent accomplishment you are proud of, and why?
I have straight A’s in school.
Before I graduate, I want to ________, and why?
Get a D1 scholarship.
Name one thing about yourself that most people don’t know?
I am the youngest player on the varsity baseball team.