PCA got an extended break over Christmas, due to the weather and the snow. This is almost a Christmas miracle- it was snowing in Texas! When PCA students were asked, “What did you do over your snow day?” They answered with the following:
Junior Luke Glass said, “I hung out with friends, and we helped a couple of kids get their golf cart out of a ditch.” Wow! It looks like there were many blessings over the holidays. The kindness during this time is what gives Christmas its magical feel.
Junior Colt Hillhouse said, “I got to play basketball with my friends and hang out with LeBron and Bronny.” Looks like Colt must love the saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” Playing basketball with NBA stars is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Junior Ashleigh Brown “I hung out with sweet Hayden Fox, and we built a big snowman and threw snowballs.” Spending time with friends and family makes Christmas time that much better. Experiencing life together and making memories is what Christmas time is all about. It’s not only about giving gifts, but the time spent together.

The experiences shared by PCA students during this surprise of a snow day helps to highlight the joy and special moments that define the holiday season. The true essence of Christmas lies in spending quality time with friends and family while creating lasting memories. This sense of community and kindness during the holidays contributes to the magical atmosphere that many cherish.